About Notes on & extracts from ‘Essays on the Gita’ of Sri Aurobindo
This is a notes added extract from Sri Aurobindo’s “Essays on the Gita”. These extracts have been taken from the ninth Edition which is available as both printed version as PDF version (Free download at http://www.sriaurobindoashram.org/ashram/sriauro/writings.php). The original work runs to 594 pages divided into 48 chapters. It is not written in the traditional shloka by shloka interpretation and explanation, but as long essays based on the key concepts and insights of Gita as seen by Sri Aurobindo.
This work cannot be a substitute for the original. It can however help those,
- Who are already familiar with Gita by virtue of having studied other complete works or by having listened to discourses on Gita,
- To those who have read Sri Aurobindo’s original, but wish to have a ready reference book,
- To those who wish to study Sri Aurobindo’s views or interpretations on specific topics,
- To those who wish to use the selected parts for discourses/lectures/writings on those topics.
I have grouped the selected paragraphs under various topics & sub-topics in a way that directly draws the attention of the students of Gita. The topics are arranged alphabetically.
I have provided reference to the page number as in the ninth edition and have given reference to the shloka in Gita to which the discussion refers. The original work does not give any reference to the shloka chapter & number.
The Extracts are arranged under the following broad groups with several sub-topics under each group:
- General Topics
- The Background & Essence of Gita
- Key Topics
- Some terms
- Assurances by Lord Krishna
- Miscellaneous Topics
It is my sincere hope that many will find this useful in their deeper study of Gita and in understanding the most detailed & insightful writings of Sri Aurobindo. If it can lead/inspire to study of the original work, it would have served its purpose better.
G H Visweswara,
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