Articles on Astrology
I learnt Vedic or Hindu astrology by self-study. I studied the Parashari system of Hindu astrology using books of well known authors, articles in journals as well as some classics. I have compiled a Reference Manual which is 1000+ pages (available as PDF). It is unique in its structure, easy to refer and comprehensive in its contents. I have also published a few articles based on my research.
Given here are my articles on Astrology published in www.saptarishisastrology.com. They are on various topics like usefulness of Guna tables in Panchangas for matching horoscope for marriage, when will one get a job or change a job, special case of gandantha and its effects, when will one own a house by building or buying, conditions & timing of occurrence of Alzheimer’s, and conditions & timing of occurrence of breast cancer. I have also reviewed one book by Sri. A K Gour on Astrology of professions.
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